The Judgement Seat of Christ 




            1. The Judgement Seat of Christ (often called Bema) is for Church Age believers only. Romans 14:10b (context). Refers to a brother which is a believer in the Church Age.


            2. The Judgement Seat of Christ is for all Church Age believers, carnal or spiritual — 2 Corinthians 5:10; 1 Corinthians 3:12-15. Therefore all believers go up in the Rapture whether or not they are in fellowship.


            3. The Judgement Seat of Christ takes place in heaven immediately after the Rapture, while the Tribulation is going on down on earth.


            4. The Judgement Seat of Christ has to be between the Rapture and the 2nd advent because the Church comes back with Christ as the “Bride of Christ” cleansed of human good — Revelation 19:14, “armies … white and clean.” Armies of angels and Church Age believers — Colossians 3:4; Jude 14.


            5. On earth the Church is called the body of Christ. In heaven the Church is called the Bride of Christ — 1 Corinthians 12:12.


            6. The bride must be prepared for the groom. This occurs in heaven during the Tribulation on earth.


            7. The Judgement Seat of Christ (Believers) is NOT the same as the Great White Throne Judgement (Unbelievers).


            8. The Last Judgement for unbelievers takes place at the end of the Millennium.


            9. Scripture for the Judgement Seat of Christ is found in 1 Corinthians 3, and the Great White Throne in Revelation 20:11-15. Contrast them. The first involves Church Age believers, the latter unbelievers of all ages.


            10. The Judgement Seat of Christ is one of the seven major judgements.



Judgement Seat of Christ


            1. The Judgement Seat of Christ is one of the seven judgements.


            2. The Judgement Seat of Christ (JSC) takes place in heaven during seven years of Tribulation on earth — Romans 14:10-12, “all” = believers of the Church Age (no unbelievers).


            3. The JSC is for all believers (carnal or spiritual) — 2 Corinthians 5:10. Therefore all believers go up in the Rapture, whether or not they are in fellowship.


            4. The JSC is the place of the evaluation of the believer’s production. Gold, silver, and precious stones cannot be produced by the unbeliever — 2 Corinthians 5:10.


            5. That done in the filling of the Holy Spirit is gold, silver, and precious stones — 1 Corinthians 3;12-15. This is divine good. The edification complex in the soul is constructed on the basis of divine good. These building materials have to be divine viewpoint building materials.


            6. That done out of fellowship (place of the control of the old sin nature) is wood, hay, stubble. This is human good. The building material of the edification complex in the soul is not human activity of the flesh.


            7. Divine Good is rewarded.


            8. At the Rapture each believer receives a resurrection body, minus the old sin nature — Philippians 3:21.


            9. On earth the Church is called the Body of Christ — 1 Corinthians 12:12.


            10. At the end of the Tribulation (7 years) believers (Church Age) will come back with the Lord Jesus Christ (2nd Advent) as the Bride of Christ, cleansed of all human good — 1 Thessalonians 3:13; Zechariah 14:5b.


            11. Believers will rule with the Sovereign King, the Lord Jesus Christ, for 1000 years: the Millennium — Revelation 20:2-4.


            12. Believers in physical bodies at the 2nd Advent keep on having children during the Millennium.


            13. The evaluation of the works of Old Testament saints, Tribulational, and Millennial believers will be at the end of the Millennium — Revelation 11:18b.


Rewards & Crowns


I. Rewards:

            A. Anything we know about rewards is given in generalities in scripture, such as:

                        a) Crowns

                        b) Accolades, “well done thou good and faithful servant ...”

                        c) Living it up, “no more sorrow.”


            B. Rewards can be likened to a Thanksgiving Dinner. Each eats a different amount, but each is satisfied. (No old sin nature with its lust pattern in heaven).


            C. There will be a difference, but it will be a matter of responsibility, not rewards (comparable to our spiritual gifts in the Church Age).


            D. Jehovah id the Rock of Ages.


            E. Church: Heavenly Kingdom — Universal Priesthood.

                        a) Church is IN the Rock.

                        b) Abode is New Heavens.

                        c) New Jerusalem — administrative centre — and since the bride is one with the Lord Jesus Christ, much time will be spent there. The place is being prepared — John 14:1-3.


            F. Israel: Earthly kingdom — specialised priesthood.

                        a) Israel is ON the Rock.

                        b) The abode is the New Earth.


II. Crowns:

            A. Righteousness: 2 Timothy 4:7,8. Production of divine good — given for time logged in fellowship.


            B. Joy: Philippians 4:1; 1 Thessalonians 2:19. Helping other believers; winning souls.


            C. Glory: 1 Peter 5:2-4, given to pastors, ministers who minister in fellowship and develop the gift of pastor-teacher, or evangelism.


            D. Life: Revelation 2:10; James 1:12. Occupation with Christ, enduring testing, doctrine in your life is your life, everything else is a detail.


            E. Other mention of crowns in scripture:

                        a) Incorruptible — 1 Corinthians 9:25.

                        b) Many: Revelation 19:12.

                        c) Thorns: Matthew 27:29.


            As spiritual gifts are to the Church, perhaps crowns and rewards are to eternity. Think it through.


Preparation of the Bride


            1. The Church (composed of believers) is called the Body of Christ while it is on earth — 1 Corinthians 12:12ff.

                        a) It is growing, being completed — Ephesians 1:21,22; 1 Corinthians 3:9; Matthew 16:18; Acts 2:47b.

                        b) Members have different responsibilities because of spiritual gifts. Romans 12:4-8; 1 Corinthians 12:11ff.


            2. The Church is called the Bride of Christ in heaven and undergoes preparation during the seven years of Tribulation on earth. Emphasis while in heaven is on preparation and display.


            3. This preparation id three fold:

                        a) Resurrection body — 1 Corinthians 15:51-57; 1 John 3:1-2; Philippians 3:21; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-18.

                        b) No old sin nature — Philippians 3:21, “… body like that of the Lord Jesus Christ”: The Lord Jesus Christ did not have an old sin nature — 2 Corinthians 5:21.

                        c) All human good is taken from the bride - 1 Corinthians 3:12.,15. The believer is cleansed (liberated) from human good so he won’t be embarrassed. Unbeliever is bound up with human good and is cast into the lake of fire at the Great White Throne judgement — Revelation 20.


            4. Reward is given for divine good — 1 Corinthians 3:14.


            5. So when the bride returns with Christ she will:

                        a) Not have an old sin nature.

                        b) Never again perform human good, or sin.

                        c) Come back to reign.


            6. It will probably take seven years to burn away the human good. God deals with individuals, not with the masses. Couple this with the fact that He bore individual sins on the cross and one concludes that he probably deals individually with rewards.


            The doctrine of the judgment seat of Christ

            1. The judgment seat of Christ or the evaluation of believers in phase two of the plan of God occurs at the termination of the Church Age. It follows the receiving of a resurrection body. (Whether a believer succeeds or fails he will have a resurrection body)

            2. The purpose of the judgment seat of Christ, 2 Corinthians 5:10, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; that each one of us [believers in the royal family of God] may receive what is due him for the things accomplished while in the physical body [phase two], whether good [a)gaqoj] or worthless [or evil, fauloj].” If the believer lives his Christian life inside the cosmic system what he accomplishes is worthless or evil or both, fauloj. On the other hand if the believer lives his Christian life inside the divine dynasphere what he does is categorised as intrinsic good, a)gaqoj.

            3. A))gaqoj refers to the plan of God from the viewpoint of imputation [X+Y+Z = Good]. Here again we have the principle: a)gaqoj means, first through X radical, human life imputed at birth plus Adam’s original sin. The imputation of Adam’s original sin means spiritual death, and that sets up the first potential for salvation, plus the pertinent doctrine — redemption, reconciliation, propitiation, imputation, justification, all of those things related to the work of Christ on the cross. That equals hope 1, absolute confidence that of you believe in Jesus Christ you have eternal life plus salvation adjustment to the justice of God through faith in Christ. Now you advance to being an immature believer: Y radical. Here you have judicial imputation #1 — our sins are imputed to Christ on the cross, the basis of our so great salvation. Judicial imputation #2, the basis for our relationship with God. We have God’s righteousness, one half of divine integrity, and also at the same time God has created a target for all logistical grace — imputation, and all supergrace blessing — the possession of the righteousness of God. So a new potential is set up: the potential for great blessing in time, plus the pertinent doctrine equals hope #2 - absolute confidence that you and I as believers using the divine dynasphere advance to maturity, plus maturity adjustment to the justice of God, going from gate four to gate eight. In Z radical we have the imputation of eternal life at salvation plus the imputation of supergrace blessing, blessing in time at the point of maturity, and that equals the third potential, the potential of eternal blessing and reward at the judgment seat of Christ above and beyond the resurrection body. Plus the pertinent equals hope three, absolute confidence that by attaining maturity, advancing from gate four to gate eight, we are going to receive great blessing and reward at the judgment seat of Christ. This equals the good, a)gaqoj, all things working together for good — Romans 8:28. This second Koine word a)gaqoj occurs in 2 Corinthians 5:10 — “that each one of us [royal family of God] may receive what is due him for the things accomplished in the body, whether good, a)gaqoj, or worthless.” The purpose of the judgment seat of Christ is the evaluation of each believer’s life on earth between salvation and his departure.

            4. The loss of reward at the judgment seat of Christ is a major issue.

            a. The gain or loss of reward and blessing above and beyond the resurrection body is determined by your personal volition. Your choice of dynasphere determines gain or loss of reward, 1 Corinthians 3:11-15.

            b. Loss of reward at the judgment seat of Christ does not imply loss of salvation, 2 Timothy 2:11-13.   “if we endure” is persistence and function inside the divine dynasphere. Enduring here is u)pomenw. This is God’s game plan for the Christian life, residence and function inside the divine dynasphere. And if you persist in making decisions consistent with the divine dynasphere in phase two there will be reward in phase three. “If we refuse,” i.e. to function under our Lord’s plan (X+Y+Z); “he will also refuse us (i.e. reward, not salvation).” Eternal security is a divine gift at the moment of salvation through faith in Christ. What God does for us cannot be lost, cannot be changed, cannot be removed. Eternal security depends upon the integrity of God while confidence toward God depends on the integrity of the believer, he must have doctrine resident in his soul. Failure to live in the divine dynasphere may destroy the believer’s confidence in God but failure to live in the divine dynasphere can never destroy your eternal security. Therefore the principle of 2 Timothy 2:11-13: eternal security is permanent and cannot be destroyed by Christian failure. Confidence in God is a motivating virtue which can be lost through the believer’s residence and function inside the cosmic dynasphere. The principle of eternal security: John 10:28; 1 Peter 1:3-5. Eternal security is never an issue at the judgment seat of Christ.

            c. However, the cosmic believer in losing reward at the judgment seat of Christ will experience, at least for that period of time, shame. He will be in a resurrection body but there is that implication of shame at loss of reward. Perhaps this is the closest thing to any lack of happiness that can ever exist in heaven, in eternity. And this appears to be only temporary at that moment and does not seem to be perpetuated into eternity. Philippians 1:20, Confidence in time implies reward in eternity. Phil. 3:18,19, “for many keep walking in the cosmic system ...” The apostle Paul had an emotional response to his observation of cosmic Christians: “they are the enemies of the cross of Christ.” What is the end of such believers? — verse 19, “whose end is destruction [the sin unto death], whose God is emotion, whose glory [at the judgment seat of Christ] is their shame, who keep thinking about earthly things [a description of cosmic involvement].”

            1 John 2:28, “And now dear children, keep on residing in it [the divine dynasphere]; that if he [Christ] should appear [the Rapture, the resurrection of the Church], we might have confidence, and might not be put to shame by him in his presence [at the judgment seat of Christ].”

            5. The divine dynasphere and its relationship to the judgment seat of Christ.

Note James 1:25: “But the one who looks intently into the perfect law [Bible doctrine] that gives freedom [perception of doctrine inside the divine dynasphere], and continues to do this [momentum in the divine dynasphere], not forgetting what he has heard but doing it, this believer will be blessed [or happy] in what he is doing”. The perfect law and looking into the perfect law which gives freedom is our life inside the divine dynasphere with emphasis on perception of doctrine.

            James 2:12-13, “So keep speaking and so keep doing as though who are going to be judged [evaluated] by the law that gives freedom [perception of doctrine inside the divine dynasphere is the basis for our evaluation]. For judgment for those who have not produced mercy [have not manufactured virtue inside the divine dynasphere, or better, who do not show compassion]; compassion triumphs over judgment.” This is an interim point to emphasise the fact that the judgment seat of Christ and our evaluation is related toward the many decisions for or against the divine dynasphere, residence and function therein.

            6. Therefore the application of virtue to the judgment seat of Christ. Note one application found in Romans 14:10-13, “You there [the weak believer who lives in the cosmic system], why do you judge your brother? [Principle of the weak controlling the strong] or you also [the strong believer] why do you regard your brother with contempt [Lack of toleration and impersonal love]? for all will be present at the tribunal of God. For it stands written [Isaiah 45:23], For surely as I live, says the Lord, every knee will bow to me [the big genuflect after the Rapture of the Church], and every tongue will confess to God [these are believers]. So then each one of us [Church Age believers] shall give an account to God concerning himself [You are responsible for your own decisions]. Therefore let us no longer judge one another: but rather make up your mind, [determine this] not to place an obstacle or distraction in front of his brother”. This is application of virtue to the judgment seat of Christ. The only possible way to do this is inside the divine dynasphere where the motivating virtue of personal love for God is counterparted by impersonal love for mankind. There is where you get your toleration to tolerate believers in all stages of growth so that there is no distraction to their positive volition toward Bible doctrine.

            7. An athletic analogy to the judgment seat of Christ. 2 Corinthians 2:5 — “Now if anyone really competes in the athletic games he does not receive a winner’s wreath unless he trains according to the rules.” The Roman empire, in copying the Greek games, copied the whole system, including the rules, and the athlete couldn’t compete unless he trained according to the rules. There were two types of athletes who existed in the Roman empire. The first group were called aqletai and were the people who entered state gymnasiums in order to train and compete in the games. There was also another category of athlete called a)gonistai and were the muscle or body builders who did not enter the games and train under the rules. So we have a)qletai and a)gonistai, two categories of athletes. And we have two kinds of believers, those who are in the divine dynasphere [comparable to the a)qletai] and those in the cosmic system [comparable to the a)gonistai]. We have the cosmic believer who doesn’t train according to the rules and we have the believer in the divine dynasphere who does. Not only did the Roman athlete live inside the gymnasium for ten months but he followed a set of very strict rules which constantly tested his motivation, his decisions, and his momentum. This was a part of the system. The concept of perception of doctrine in the divine dynasphere is analogous. Once the athletes went back to their home town they received rewards which are comparable to the judgment seat of Christ.

            This was Paul’s subject, then, in 1 Corinthians 9:24-27:  “Do you not know that those who run in a race all run [analogous to the games in the Roman empire and the function of gate four, the perception and application of doctrine necessary for momentum in the Christian life], but one receives the prize [in each event]?” analogous to the attainment of spiritual maturity or advance from gate four to gate eight in the divine dynasphere. “Run in such a way that you may win,” a command for residence and function in the divine dynasphere ; “And everyone who competes in the games exercises self-discipline in all things. They [the athletes] do it to receive a perishable wreath [or crown]; but we [mature believers] an imperishable crown. Therefore [Paul’s application] I do not run like a person without an objective; I do not fight like a person beating the air [cosmic believers are shadow boxers]: Instead I discipline my body, and keep it in training [residence and function in the divine dynasphere]: lest having preached [communicated doctrine] to others, I myself should be disqualified” [disqualification from both temporal blessing in time and eternal reward at the judgment seat of Christ].

            8. The rewards at the judgment seat of Christ. During the Roman empire there were two Greek words used for crowns. One of them, stefanoj, which is pertinent is a reward in two areas of life. It is a reward in military service and in the empire games. There is a second word for crown which occasionally we find in the Bible, diadhma. This is a crown used for a king. Certain rewards to mature believers at the judgment seat of Christ are called stefanoi, crowns. There were six categories of such crowns given by the Roman empire. In order of merit the six categories each had a monetary reward that went with it. All six were in the form of a golden crown that you could wear for the rest of your life.

            We have in the scripture, not six of the crowns, but three listed for believers. There is the crown of righteousness for the fulfilment of the plan of God in the Church Age [in other words for advancing from gate four to gate eight]. There is the crown of life for passing all of the momentum tests as you go from gate four to gate eight. And there is the crown of glory, a decoration for pastors, evangelists and faithful communicators of the Word of God.   

            There used to be a phrase among fundamentalist Christians about living your life in the light of eternity. Of course it is a very sound concept, a very doctrinal principle, that while we are living a day at a time as per the mandates of our Lord, we are also to live with eternity in mind. That is exactly what we have in verse 10 with regard to the judgment seat of Christ.

            There are three crowns mentioned in the Word of God. The first one is the crown of righteousness, 2 Timothy 4:7,8. The corrected translation of verse 7 is as follows: “I have fought an honourable fight [a reference to the advance to maturity inside the divine dynasphere. It refers to going from gate four to gate eight of the divine dynasphere. It indicates that the apostle Paul has attained spiritual maturity at gate eight], I have completed the course [the fulfilment of God’s plan for his life], I have retained the doctrine [not ‘I have kept the faith’. And it refers to perception and application of doctrine resulting in the construction of the ECS]:”

Verse 8, “In the future [reference to the judgment seat of Christ] a crown of righteousness is reserved for me, which crown the Lord, the righteous evaluator, will award me on that day: ...”

            The crown of righteousness is awarded to the believer who executes the plan of God during the Church Age.

            “ … and not only to me, but also to all those who have loved his appearance [the appearance of Christ at the Rapture].”   

            The second crown is the crown of life, the one which is mentioned in Revelation 2:10. This crown is related to momentum testing. Momentum testing is only for those believers who are advancing, those believers who are taking in doctrine. The believer who faces momentum testing inside the divine dynasphere accelerates his advance to gate eight. There are two biblical references made to this second crown, James 1:12 which says, “Happy is the individual who perseveres under testing: for he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who consistently love him [referring to our life inside the divine dynasphere].” The second reference is found in Revelation 2:10. So the crown of life is actually a martyrs decoration and reward and also an eternal decoration for those believers who remain in the divine dynasphere under the greatest pressures of life, and advance to maturity in times of historical disaster or historical downtrend.

            Note that both the crown of righteousness and the crown of life are preceded by some form of dying grace, and that includes martyrdom. Therefore both crowns or decorations awarded to believers in eternity and believers whose priorities are so linked with Bible doctrine that in time of disaster, pressure or heartache of any kind, doctrine is more real to them than the actual suffering which they endure. And they do not compromise their doctrine or their stand or their love of the Lord because of some pressure.

            The third crown is the crown of glory. This eternal decoration is given to pastors who not only reach maturity through their own personal residence and function inside the divine dynasphere, but who through faithful teaching of the Word lead others to spiritual maturity. The crown of glory belongs primarily to the pastor; firstly the apostles, and to the evangelists and prophets who taught the Word of God before the canon was completed, and afterward to the pastors. No pastor can lead his congregation, however, beyond his own stage of growth. In other words, as they would say in Rome, “No man can transfer to others rights more extensive than that which he possesses.” Therefore it behoves the pastor to get cracking and get to maturity as rapidly as possible in order to lead the way; not by example, but by content of doctrine.

             Philippians 4:1, “Therefore, my brethren, loved [impersonal love] and deeply desired ones [positive believers living in the divine dynasphere], my happiness and my crown ...” Paul recognises those listening to him and advancing to maturity as his crown, the crown of glory; “in this way [residence in the divine dynasphere] keep on being stabilised by the Lord ...”

            1 Thessalonians 2:19,20, “For who is our hope [confidence], or happiness, or crown of boasting? Is it not you [mature believers] in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ [the judgment seat of Christ] at his coming? For you are our glory ...”

            1 Peter 5:4, “And when the chief Shepherd appears [the Rapture of the Church], you will receive the unfading crown of glory ..” In the context he is talking to pastors.

            Hebrews 6:10, “For God is not unjust to disregard your occupation [of pastor-teacher], also the love which you yourselves demonstrated toward his person [learning Bible doctrine in the divine dynasphere and teaching it to the congregation], having ministered doctrine to the saints, and continuing such ministry.”

            There are certain rewards mentioned in the scripture that do not belong to the royal family of God. They actually belong to believers of other dispensations. For example, the reward of cities in Luke 19:12-26, or Abraham’s special city, the new Jerusalem, which is mentioned as a reward in Hebrews 11:9,10,13,16 and Revelation 21:2,10,11. There is the harvest analogy in Matthew 13:3-9, 18-33, for Old Testament believers.

            There is another type of reward called “ruling with God,” referring to believers of this dispensation, the Church. We are royal family of God, we are designed to rule. We are designed to rule in eternity, we are designed by logistical grace to rule. There are a number of approaches to ruling:

            The first is the a fortiori approach of Romans 5:17, “For if by the transgression of one [Adam’s original sin] spiritual death ruled through that one; much more they who receive in life the surplus from grace [the exploitation of logistical grace is parleyed into supergrace — surplus of grace] and the gift of righteousness [imputed righteousness], much more they shall rule through that one, Jesus Christ.” Those who exploit logistical grace inside the divine dynasphere are going to rule with Christ.   

            There is a sarcastic approach, 1 Corinthians 4:8. Paul says to the Corinthian Christians who are in the cosmic system: “You are already filled, you already have become rich, you have become kings without us: [and then he adds sarcastically] how I wish you really had become kings, so that we also might rule with you.” Now the truth of the matter of that sarcasm is very simple. The Corinthians, on the course they had already charted, were going to have no rulership in heaven, whereas Paul is going to be one of the greatest of rulers.

            There is the approach from the standpoint of eternal security, 2 Timothy 2:12: “If we endure [residence and function in the divine dynasphere] we shall also rule [has to do with reward at the judgment seat of Christ].”

            From the standpoint of Rapture hymnology, Revelation 5:10, “And you have made them a kingdom, even priests to our God, and they will rule on earth.”

            In addition to this there are rewards related to historical trends for those who had maximum impact to historical uptrends in their life in the divine dynasphere and the resultant momentum. We have just noted the crown of life in Revelation 2:10 which is a reward related to historical trends. Momentum testing is related to historical trends in the client nation. As a result of passing persecution testing mature believers prepared the way for one of the greatest missionary movements in all of history.